Letar du efter namn på hankatter? Du har kommit till rätt ställe för att få igång din sökning.
När du väljer ett namn för din hankatt kan det spegla kattens ras eller utseendet. Egenskaper som din katts färg eller pälsmönster kan också beaktas när du bestämmer dig.
När du väljer namn till din hankatt kan du också tänka på när din hankatt föddes; vinter, vår, sommar, höst eller månaden. Som tidigare nämnts kan du namnge din hankatt beroende på hans ras.
För hankatter som är siameser, manx, abessinier eller sphynx kan du överväga ett mer exotiskt namn. För amerikanska korthåriga eller amerikanska trådhåriga kanske farm- eller cowboyrelaterat och för brittiska korthåriga något aristokratiskt.
- 1 hankattnamn – bokstaven A
- Två hankattnamn – bokstaven B
- 3 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven C
- 4 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven D
- 5 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven E
- 6 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven F
- 7 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven G
- 8 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven H
- 9 manliga kattnamn – Bokstav I
- 10 hankattnamn – bokstaven J
- 11 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven K
- 12 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven L
- 13 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven M
- 14 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven N
- 15 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven O
- 16 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven P
- 17 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven Q
- 18 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven R
- 19 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven S
- 20 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven T
- 21 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven U
- 22 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven V
- 23 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven W
- 24 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven X
- 25 manliga kattnamn – Bokstaven Y
- 26 manliga kattnamn – bokstaven Z
- 27 Slutsats
Manliga kattnamn – bokstaven A

- ABRAHAM -Ett passande namn för en lojal och lydig katt precis som den bibliska Abraham som lydde Guds instruktioner att offra sin ende son
- ADAGIO -Ett namn av italienskt ursprung som passar en katt som gör saker långsamt
- AJAX -Ett idealiskt namn för en stark och modig kattliknande Ajax of Telamon, den grekiska hjälten i det trojanska kriget
- ALFRED -Ett idealiskt namn för en liten klok katt
- AMADEUS - Av latinskt ursprung betyder Guds kärlek, perfekt för en katt som ger dig villkorslös tillgivenhet
- AMIGO -Ett spanskt namn på en katt som du anser vara en sann vän
- AMOS -En profet i bibeln som predikade om orättvisa och förtryck
- ARKIBALD – Detta germanska namn är perfekt för en djärv och modig katt
- ARCHIE -En söt kortform av namnet Archibald
- ARMANI -Ett elegant namn som kommer från ett italienskt lyxmodehus grundat av Giorgio Armani
- ARNOLD -Ett namn av germanskt ursprung som betyder örnhärskare passar en katt som kraftfullt och modigt kommer att styra över ditt hus
- ARTEMIS -Ett grekiskt ord som betyder stark som en björn passar perfekt till din krambara starka kattunge
- ASTERIX -En modig och intelligent krigare med i Asterix äventyr serieserie
- ASTRO -Ett perfekt namn för en modig och skyddande katt inspirerad av den animerade superhjälten Astro Boy film
- AXL -Av hebreiskt ursprung som betyder fredens fader för en fridfull katt som gillar att smyga omkring tyst
- AZTEC - Döp din katt efter ursprungsbefolkningen i centrala Mexiko före den spanska erövringen den 16
Manliga kattnamn – Bokstaven B

- BACH - Döp din katt efter barockens största kompositör och musiker, Johann Sebastian Bach
- BALKI -Ett idealiskt namn för en ung snäll katt
- BALLOU -Döp din katt efter den amerikanska prästen och teologiska författaren Hosea Ballou.
- BARNABUS -Ett namn av grekiskt ursprung som betyder tröstens son passar en katt som ger en känsla av lättnad
- BARTHOLOMEW -En av Jesu Kristi tolv lärjungar flådde levande för sin tro ideal för en katt med liten päls
- BASILKA -Av grekiskt ursprung som betyder kung passar en kunglig och majestätisk katt
- BAXTER - Döp din katt efter en brittisk karaktärsanimatör i flera Walt Disney Animation-studior
- BÖNOR -Ett namn av skotskt ursprung för en katt med vackra tåbönor
- BEAU -Ett franskt namn för en vacker kisse
- BEBOP -Inspirerad av roliga japanska animerade tv-serier Cowboy Bebop
- BECK – Det här namnet är lämpligt för en katt som älskar att leka med vatten
- BELUSHI -Efter den berömda amerikanska skådespelaren och komikern som var med i Saturday Night Livekomedishow
- BENTLEY -En lyxbilsmodell tillverkad av Bentley Motors Limited
- BENZ – Ett namn av tyskt ursprung för en modig katt
- BING – Inspirerad av en fiktiv karaktär Chandler Bing med i tv-serien Vänner av Mathew Perry
- BLAKE -Ett idealiskt namn för en svart katt
- BLINKY -Ett perfekt namn för en katt som gillar att blinka med ögonen
- BOGART -Av germanskt ursprung vilket betyder en stark båge passar en snabb katt
- BOGIE -Kortform av namnet Bogart
- BOJANGLER -Kända afroamerikanska steppdansare på 20
Century, Bill Bojangles Robinson, den passar en glad och rolig katt
- BOND -Efter den berömda filmkaraktären skapad av Ian Fleming, perfekt för en observant modig katt
- BONZO - Döp din katt efter Bonzo the Dog , En fiktiv seriefigur skapad av George E. Studdy
- BORIS -Ett namn med ryskt ursprung för en liten katt som gillar att slåss
- BOWIE -Ett skotskt namn för en gulhårig katt
- BRANDO -Ett idealiskt namn för en farlig och kortvarig katt
- BRONSON -Ett perfekt namn för en brunhårig kisse
- BRUBECK -Därleder hans namn från den berömda amerikanske jazzmusikern Dave Brubeck
- BRUCE - Döp din modiga och segerrika katt efter kungen av Skottland, Robert the Bruce, en berömd krigare som besegrade den engelska armén
- BRUTUS -Ett latinskt namn för en tråkig och dum katt
- BUBBLAR -Ett härligt namn för en mycket observant och lekfull kattunge
- BUSYBODY -En nyfiken katt förtjänar det här namnet
- KNAPPAR -Ett idealiskt namn för en katt med runda ljusa ögon som ser ut som knappar
Manliga kattnamn – bokstaven C

- CAESAR -Ett namn med latinskt ursprung för en mycket hårig kisse
- CAGNEY – Ett irländskt namn som betyder hyllning till din katt som du fick i present
- KALAMITET – Idealiskt namn för en katt som alltid är hänsynslös och förstör dina grejer
- CALLAWAY -Ett underbart namn för en katt som aldrig lämnar din sida; han följer dig runt
- CALYPSO -Av latinskt ursprung för en katt som gillar att gömma sig
- CAPONE -Ett idealiskt namn för en envis och irriterande katt
- CAPRI -En av de vackraste öarna i västra Italien värd ett besök
- KOL – Tänk på det här namnet för din svarta katt
- CARLTON -Ett passande namn för katt som njuter av sitt liv
- CASANOVA -För din charmiga katt som har stulit mångas hjärtan
- CASSIDY -Av irländskt ursprung för din smarta katt med lockigt hår
- CHAMP —Ett valnamn för en katt som gillar att slåss och vinner varje gång
- CHANCE -Ett passande namn för din katt som alltid har tur
- CHAPLIN - Döp din roliga katt efter den mest hyllade brittiska komediskådespelaren Charlie Chaplin
- TRÄKOL -Detta namn är perfekt för en svart katt
- CHAZ -En diminutiv av Charles, ett namn av tyskt ursprung för en klok gammal katt
- CHEKOV -Döp honom efter den största ryska kortfiktionsförfattaren Anton Pavlovich Tjechov
- CHET -Af latinskt ursprung som betyder fästning, detta namn passar en stark och orubblig katt
- CLAPTON -Legendariska rock- och bluesmusikern och gitarristen Erick Clapton
- MOLNIG -Ett idealiskt namn för en kaxig och fluffig kattunge
- COBAIN -Den mest kända gitarristen i rockbandet Nirvana, Kurt Cobain
- CODY -Namn med irländskt ursprung för en katt som hjälper dig vid behov
- COLTRANE -Ett perfekt namn för din lekfulla unga katt som är full av energi
- COMET -Om du är inspirerad av astronomi eller om han älskar att leka med sin svans, döp honom till kometen den himmelska kroppen med en svans
- CONAN – Ett namn inspirerat av en fiktiv hjältefilm med svärd och trolldom Conan the Barbarian med Arnold Schwarzenegger, perfekt för en vildkatt som är stark
- COOLIO – En amerikansk rappare populär för sin hitlåt Gangsta’s Paradise
- CROCKET -Ett idealiskt namn för en kraftfull och tålig katt
- CROMWELL - Döp din modiga katt efter Oliver Cromwell, en engelsk militärledare som gjorde England till en republik
- CRUZ – Ett namn av spanskt ursprung som betyder kors för en katt som lätt förlåter
- CUSACK – Efter John Cusack, den amerikanske skådespelaren som medverkade i flera filmer inklusive High Fidelity
- CYCLOPS- Om han är din superhjälte namnge honom efter en fiktiv superhjältegeneral i X-men seriefilm
Manliga kattnamn – bokstaven D

- DALLAS -Ett namn av skotskt ursprung som betyder uppehållsplats för en katt som ger dig sinnesfrid
- DALTON -Perfekt för din smarta katt som är som den geniale kemisten och fysikern som introducerade atomteorin, John Dalton
- DAMIAN -Ett grekiskt namn som betyder tam och det passar en mild katt
- maskros -Ett valt namn för en vacker gul katt precis som maskrosblommorna
- DARWIN -Om han är en upptäcktsresande och älskar naturen, döp honom efter den brittiska naturforskaren som kom med evolutionsteorin, Charles Darwin
- DAYTONA -Om du är ett fan av racerbilar, härleda namnet från det årliga 500-mila motorloppet Daytona 500
- DEMON -Om han gillar att terrorisera dig genom att förstöra eller desorganisera saker, ge honom namnet Demon
- DEMOSER -Detta namn av grekiskt ursprung passar en civiliserad eller modern katt som är sofistikerad
- DENNIS -Ett grekiskt namn som liknas vid guden för vin, fester och nöje för evig ungdom, passar en gemytlig och ungdomlig katt
- DENZEL - Döp din katt efter den hyllade amerikanska skådespelaren Denzel Washington som vann flera priser för sin film American Gangster
- DERBY -Ett fängslande namn för en konkurrenskraftig katt som betyder matcher mellan lokala rivallag
- DHANI -Ett namn av hinduiskt ursprung som betyder rik
- DICKORY -Därleder hans namn från det engelska barnrimmet Hickory Dickory Dock
- DIDDLE -Ett perfekt namn för en skum katt
- DIESEL -En diminutiv av namnet Matthias som betyder en gåva från Gud
- DILLINGER -Döp din listiga skurkskatt efter amerikansk gangster som rånade tjugofyra banker och fyra polisstationer, John Dillinger
- DISNEY -Kalifornienbaserat multinationellt massmedia- och underhållningsföretag, The Walt Disney Company
- DITZY -Ett idealiskt namn för en katt som beter sig dumt
- DJANGO – Från filmen med titeln Django Unchained regisserad av Quentin Tarantino, ett favoritnamn för en målmedveten och modig katt
- DONNIE -Ett namn av skotskt ursprung som betyder världens härskare
- DRAPER -Döp honom efter den amerikanska ingenjören som utvecklade navigationssystem för luft, sjö och rymdfarkoster, Charles Stark Draper
- DRIFTER – Det här namnet passar en rastlös katt
- DUANE – Ett idealiskt namn för en svarthårig katt
- DUDE -Ett härligt namn att kalla din stadskatt
- DUKE -Ett namn av latinskt ursprung som betyder ledare, passar en katt som har kontroll över ditt hem
- DUNCAN -Ett perfekt namn av skotskt ursprung för din modiga bruna katt
- DWAYNE – Irländskt namn som passar en mörk kisse
- DWEEZIL -Ett valfritt namn för en katt full av olyckor
- DYLAN – Ett namn av walesiskt ursprung som betyder havets son för din modiga och äventyrliga kattunge
Manliga kattnamn – Bokstaven E

- EASTWOOD -Därleder sitt namn från den berömda Hollywood-skådespelaren som porträtterade en tuff karaktär i filmen String of Sergio Leone
- EKO -Härstammar från science fiction-filmen Earth to Echo a passande namn för en nyfiken och omtänksam katt eller för en katt som fortsätter att jama.
- ECLIPSE -Ett valfritt namn för en katt som gillar att blockera din väg
- EDGAR -Ett perfekt namn för en katt som alltid ger dig tur
- EDWARD - Döp din romantiska katt efter kung Edward VIII som gav upp den brittiska tronen för att gifta sig med sitt livs kärlek Walls Simpson
- ELIJAH -Döp honom efter profeten Elia i bibeln som varnar för falska profeter och avgudar
- ELMO -Ett namn av latinskt ursprung som betyder Guds hjälm idealisk för en katt som ger skydd
- ELMORE – Ett stilrent namn för en katt som lätt anpassar sig till förändringar som tomteträdet
- ELROY -Ett franskt namn som betyder kung perfekt för en katt som styr andra husdjur med auktoritet
- ELVIS -Tänk på detta för en katt som du anser vara din kloka vän
- FÖRETAG -Ett idealiskt namn för en djärv och kreativ katt
- ERNEST -Ett namn av germanskt ursprung för en seriös och målmedveten kisse
- ERNIE -Vrid Ernest till Ernie så kommer han springande
- EVEREST -Inspirerad av världens högsta berg, Mount Everest
- EXODUS -Om du hittade honom när du reste, ge honom ett namn inspirerat av den bibliska Exodusboken som förklarar israeliternas avgång från Egypten
Manliga kattnamn – bokstaven F

- FALAFEL -Därled hans namn från din favoriträtt från Mellanöstern gjord av kycklingärter
- FAROUK – Arabiskt namn för en sanningsenlig och pålitlig katt
- FELIX – Katten Felix hamnar alltid i galna situationer
- FERRARI- Ge din trendiga katt ett elegant namn som kommer från en italiensk lyxsportbil grundad av Enzo Ferrari
- FERRIS -Ett underbart namn för en katt som bara nöjer sig med det bästa
- FESTUS -Ett namn av latinskt ursprung för en livlig och glad katt
- FILBERT -Av tyskt ursprung för en katt med en glad och glad personlighet
- FINNEGAN -Ett irländskt namn perfekt för en vit katt
- FITZ -Inspirerad av animerad komedi från mitten av 1960-talet skriven av Ralph Bakshi, Fitz the Cat, den är perfekt för din djärva katt
- FITZSIMMONS -Ett idealiskt namn för en modig och segerrik katt
- LOPPAN -Ett namn du förknippar med en envis och irriterande katt som inte låter dig vila
- FLOYD -Ett walesiskt namn för en grå katt
- FLURRY -Ett perfekt namn för en katt med spiralmönstrad päls.
- FONZ -Ett namn av spanskt ursprung för en katt som alltid är redo för kamp
- SKOG -Om han gillar att jaga eller vandra i skogen, döp honom till Forrest.
- FRANKIE -Ett idealiskt namn för en ärlig katt
- FREKLE -Ett passande namn för en gammal katt med mörkbruna fläckar på pälsen
- FREDAG -Ett unisexnamn för den romerska guden för kärlek och skönhet passar en frisinnad härlig katt
- FRUKTKAKA -Ett valfritt namn för en katt som beter sig galen eller en som ofta är överväldigad av känslor
- FUMBLAR -Kall honom fumlar om han är klumpig och alltid tappar saker
Manliga kattnamn – Bokstaven G

- GABRIEL -Döp honom efter ängeln Gabriel som var Guds budbärare
- GALAHAD -Ett legendariskt namn myntat från kung Arthurs riddare av det runda bordet som uppnådde den heliga gralen
- GALLIANO – Få ditt kattnamn från en söt italiensk örtlikör, Liquore Galliano L’Auyentico
- GANGWAY -Tänk på detta namn för din katt som gillar att klämma sig igenom små passager
- GARFUNKEL - Döp din begåvade katt efter den amerikanska sångaren Art Garfunkel
- GARTH —Ett namn av skandinaviskt ursprung som betyder trädgårdsskötare som passar en katt som gillar att vistas i trädgården
- GAYLORD- Av franskt ursprung för en livlig och pigg katt
- GENEVE -Döp din fridfulla katt efter fredshuvudstaden i Schweiz
- GESTAPO -An ideal name for a cat who protects and brings order in your house like the secret state police
- GETTY – we love this cool name coined from John Paul Getty, a petrol industrialist who became the richest man in American in 1957
- GIGOLO -For a captivating cat just like the reality television series on the lives of five male escorts
- GINGER -A name of Latin origin for a lively red-haired cat
- GIZMO -A name of choice for an adorable and kind cat who likes to explore things like the Gizmo creature in the Gremlins film
- GOBLIN -Suits a mischievous cat like the European folklore creatures
- GOLIATH -A suitable name for huge cat just like the biblical giant defeated by David
- GOTHAM – Inspired by a fictional city where crime thrives in television series Gotham fits a dishonest cat
- GRANT -A name of Scottish origin for a tall cat
- GRINGO – Crime comedy film directed by Nash Edgerton, this name fits an unfortunate cat
- GROUCHY -An ideal name for a bad-tempered cat
- GULLIVER -Perfect name for your honest cat who follows instructions, a name inspired the movie Gulliver’s Travel
- GUY- Of Italian origin for a cat who is a free spirit who loves his life
Male Cat Names – Letter H

- HAIKO -A name for choice for a cat who loves nature as described in Japanese poem Haiko
- HANDEL -Name your cat after the famous composer of all times George Fredric Handel
- HARLEM – If he is vibrant, name him after a New York City neighborhood popular for the African-American culture.
- HARLEY -If you love bikes, then name your wild cat after American motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson.
- HAROLD -A name of Germanic origin meaning army ruler perfectly fits your authoritative cat
- HARRISON -Suits a charismatic cat as portrayed by Harrison Ford in the Star Wars film series
- HARVEY -A name of French origin for a warrior cat who never losses a fight
- HEATHCLIFF -A dark and tormented fictional character in Wuthering Heights novel by Emily Bronte fits a sad cat
- HENDRIX -A name of Germanic origin meaning ruler of the household
- HERMES -A Greek name that means messenger of god
- HIAWATHA -Name your peace-loving cat after an Indian chief who brought peace to the land by bringing together five tribes to form Iroquois confederacy
- HIGGINS -An intelligent and arrogant fictional character Henry Higgins featured in Pygmalion play by Bernard Shaw
- HIP HOP -If you are a lover of the Hip hop music and culture, why not give him this name
- HOLLYWOOD -Name your ambitious cat after the home of US film industries
- HOLMES -An ideal name for a cat who likes to play detective in your house like the fictional character Sherlock Holmes
- HOOVER -Call him Hoover if he reminds you of the depression period during the time of American president Herbert Hoover
- HORATIO – A diminutive of Horaz, and suits a cat who keeps time
- HUGO -A wonderful name for an intelligent cat
- HUNTER -A name of choice for a cat who likes to chase around lizards and rats
Male Cat Names – Letter I

- ICEBERG -An ideal name for a cat who is always in deep thought
- ICE-CUBE – Name your cat after American rapper O’Shea Jackson professionally known as Ice-cube
- INCA -Name your innovative cat after the indigenous South American Indian people who formed a powerful and richest empire in Peru before the Spanish conquest
- INDIE – This name suits a unique and independent cat
- INDY -If you love speed and racing, then name your cat after Indy 500, world largest automobile racing held annually in Indiana
- INGHAM -Name your cat after a town with the largest sugarcane plantations and mills in Australia
- I-POD – This name suits a cool cat like the portable pocket-sized music playing device produced by apple.
- ISENGARD -A captivating name for your cat drawn from the fictional largest iron fortress of Saruman the white in J.R.R Tolkien’s legendary world
- ITSY -An ideal name for your tiny minute cat
- IZZY -A name of Hebrew origin meaning God’s promise
Male Cat Names – Letter J

- JACE- A name of Hebrew origin meaning healer, fits your kind cat who is a reliable true friend
- JACK -A popular name for a forgiving or gracious cat you consider your best friend
- JAEGER -A name of German origin meaning hunter for a smart and brave cat
- JAGO -A name of Hebrew origin for a cat who’s obedient and one who likes to follow you around
- JASPER -Name your generous cat after one of the wise men who brought gifts to Jesus
- JAZZ – A classical name for a soothing cat like the cool sounds of jazz music
- JEANLUC- A Greek name meaning God is gracious
- JEDDA – An ideal name for a black cat just like the precious black, shady gemstone with a similar name
- JEFFERY -This German name fit a peaceful and quiet cat
- JELLO -A creative way to name your handsome cat
- JESSIE -A name of Hebrew origin meaning God exists
- JESTER -An ideal name for your crazy cat who makes you laugh always
- JINGLES -A name of choice for a playful cat just like the sounds of jingle bells
- JIP -An ideal name for a cat who has mastered the art of stealing
- JOAQUIN -A name of Hebrew origin meaning lifted by Yahweh
- JOEY -Of Hebrew origin meaning God shall add
- JOJO -Consider this name for a creative and honest kitty
- JONAH -Hebrew name that means dove fits a gentle and courageous cat with white fur
- JULIO -Give your hairy cat this lovely name
- JUMBO -This Swahili name fits a big cat who is as huge as an elephant
- JUNKY -An ideal name for a cat who lazily sits around and loves to eat
- JURGEN -A name of Germanic origin meaning farmer for a hardworking cat like Liverpool football manager Jurgen Klopp.
Male Cat Names – Letter K

- KADAFFI -Give your ambitious cat a name after a Libyan revolutionary leader who seized power in a military coup Muammar Al-Gaddafi
- KANGA -A name of Swahili origin meaning guinea fowl fits a black cat with white spots.
- KARMA – This name reminds you of the Buddhist belief that what you do will come back to you, whether good or evil.
- KAYO -A Japanese name for your fair looking cat
- KAZAK -If he reminds you of the Turkish ethnic group who lived mainly in Western Asia and tamed wild horses, then give him this cool name
- KEATON -Name your courageous cat after American actor Michael Keaton who featured in the Batman film
- KEEF -An ideal name for a very small cat
- KEEKI -A Japanese name for a cake just like your loving and sweet cat
- KEIKO -A name of Japanese origin meaning happy child fits your ever joyful and lively cat
- KENZO – Of Japanese origin for a healthy and strong cat
- KERMIT -A variant of Dormont for a free Irish man
- KIEFER – Derive his name from a brave counter-terrorism television series 24 actor Kiefer Sunderland
- KIKKI -An ideal name for a happy and jovial cat who keeps you in the party mood
- KINGSTON -Name you cat after the famous musician Sean Kingston
- KISMET -Arabic name meaning fate, fits a cat who is hard to control
- KITLER -Give him this name if he has a small black patch under his nose which resembles Adolf Hitler’s mustache
- KITTY -A perfect name for a good looking and playful cat
- KLUTZ -An ideal name for a cat who is a bit clumsy
- KNOXVILLE -Name your cat after an industrial city in Eastern Tennessee on the Tennessee River
- KODY -An ideal name for a cat who always helps you around the house
- KRAMER -A name of Germanic origin that suits your cat who loves to accompany you when travelling
Male Cat Names – Letter L

- LACY- An ideal name for a playful cat especially one who loves to play with lace decorations
- LASHER -Derive his name from Anne Rice’s novel on the lives of Mayfair witches, Lasher
- LEATHER -A name of choice for a strong and protective cat just like leather itself
- LEBOWSKI -For a cat whose identity is always mistaken just like the Dude in the comedy movie The Big Lebowski
- LEBRON -If you love basketball, name your cat after world’s best professional Basketball player Lebron James
- LENNON -A name of an Irish origin for a cat who is very dear to you
- LEO -A Latin name meaning lion for a courageous and strong indoor wildcat
- LEONARDO -Give your disciplined and skilled cat this name from the leader of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated films
- LESTER -An ideal name for a cat from Leicester city in England
- LEVON -A name of Armenian origin meaning lion and fits your brave cat
- LICORICE -Give this name to a cat who has added meaning to your life
- LITTLE JOE -Derive his name from the loving character in the movie Little Joe
- LITTLEFOOT – A fictional character in The Land Before Time animated film, fits a responsible cat
- LONGTALE – Great choice of name if your cat has a long tail
- LONNIE –An ideal name for a cat who’s always ready for fights
- LOTHARIO -A name of Germanic origin meaning famous warrior
- LUCA -An Italian name that means bringer of light fits a cat who lightens up your life
- LUDWIG -An ideal name for a cat who is famous for his fighting prowess
- LUTHER- Consider this Germanic name meaning soldier of the people for your brave and victorious cat like Martin Luther King who contributed to American civil rights
Male Cat Names – Letter M

- MAC -Give the name Macintosh a twist and call him Mac
- MACDUFF -A quiet and loyal fictional character in William Shakespeare’s play McBeth
- MACINTOSH – A name that reminds you of the first personal computers released by Macintosh
- MAESTRO – A fun name for a majestic cat who does thing perfectly well
- MAGNUS -A name of Latin origin fitting your iconic cat
- MALIBU -Name your cat after a wealth beach west of Los Angeles city
- MALKOVICH- Name your cat after an ambitious and determined American actor John Malkovich
- MANDRAKE -Consider this name if he brings love and good fortune to your life like the mandrake plants
- MAO -Name your cat after the Chinese leader of the communist party, Mao Zedong
- MARCHELLO -A name of Spanish origin meaning young warrior
- MARLOWE – A lovely name inspired by Marlowe Theatre in the city of Canterbury named after famous English poet Christopher Marlowe
- MARSALIS – An inspiring name just like award-winning jazz and classical musician and composer, Wynton Marsalis
- MARZIPAN -A lovely name for a sweet yellowish cat
- MATISSE – A name of French origin meaning gift from God
- MAXIMILLIAN -A Latin name for a cat you consider be the greatest amongst all your pets
- MAYNARD -This Germanic name fits a brave and strong cat
- MCBAIN -A fictional action film starring Rainer Wolfcastle, suits your intelligent and brave cat who plays the hero in your life
- MCFLY- An ideal name for a black and peaceful cat
- MCQUEEN -A fictional stock car in the animated films Cars fits an elusive and fast cat
- MEATBALL -An ideal name for a dull cat
- MEDLEY -This name suits a cat with several colors on his coat
- MEGATON -An ideal name for a very strong and powerful cat
- MELVIN -A name of Irish origin meaning a kind and tender ruler
- MERLIN -A magician advisor of King Arthur sounds great for a captivating cat
- MERRIWEATHER- This name fits a cheerful and lively cat
- MILAN- A name of Slavic origin for a kind and gracious cat
- MILO -The orange cat in the movie The adventures of Milo&Otis fits your merciful orange cat
- MINKI -A name of Dutch origin for a strong cat
- MISCHIEF – This name fits a naughty and playful cat
- MISHA -A unisex name of Hebrew origin meaning the message bearer of God
- MISTLETOE -A name of choice for a cat who protects you against evils like the mistletoe plants that are used at Christmas decorations
- MITZI -A Germanic name for a rebellious and bitter cat
- MOGUL -An ideal name for an influential cat like the powerful and important persons in the media industry
- MONTGOMERY -A name of choice for a cat with lots of power
- MORRISSEY -Name your cat after the famous musician, Stephen Morrissey known for his hit song All You Need is me
- MOZART -Name him after the influential composer in the history of Western Music, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- MUMBLES -A fictional character featured in Dick Tray film, this name fits a cunning cat
- MUSTAFA -A name of Arabic origin meaning the chosen one
Male Cat Names – Letter N

- NAPOLEON – French general who later became an emperor, fits an ambitious cat who is in charge in your house
- NASDAQ – A New York-based second-largest stock exchange in the world
- NATE -A name of Hebrew origin meaning given by God almighty
- NATHAN – Name your intelligent and brave cat after American revolutionary war hero Nathan Hale
- NEFER -A name of an Egyptian origin for a cat who’s beautiful inside out
- NELSON -Name your cat after South African anti-apartheid revolutionary freedom fighter, Nelson Mandela
- NEMO -A character in animated film Finding Nemo, this name is ideal for your energetic and curious cat
- NEON -An ideal name for a steady and firm cat like the inert gas that doest react with other elements
- NESTLE -A lovely name for a cat who likes to cuddle
- NEUTRON -A name of choice for a forgiving cat who doesn’t take things to heart
- NICK -Consider this name for your strong cat who defeats others easily in confrontations
- NICKLEBY -Derive your determined cat’s name from Charles Dickens’ play The life and Adventure of Nicholas Nickleby
- NIJINSKY – Vaslav Nijinsky is the greatest male dancer of the 20
century, call your entertaining cat with great moves Nijinsky
- NINJA -An ideal name for a cat who likes to sneak around
- NINTENDO – Of Japanese origin meaning leave luck to heaven and suits an industrious cat
- NISHKA- A name of choice for an honest cat
- NITRO -Name your competitive cat after the crazy sports competition Nitro circus
- NOISY -An ideal name for a cat who is sometimes a nuisance with his constant meow sounds
- NORTON- Name your caring concerned cat after television personality Graham Norton
- NUGGET -Name your yellow-coated cat after your favorite dish of fried chicken
- NUTTA -Give your intelligent cat a name after an Italian chemist who contributed to the development of polymers, Giulio Natta
Male Cat Names – Letter O

- J .-Name your cat after the famous football star OJ Simpson
- OATMEAL -Consider this name for your energetic cat named from your tasty breakfast
- ODIN -The chief God of Norse mythology identified with poetry, wisdom and the dead, fits a wise cat
- ODYSSEY -A long and eventful journey as portrayed by Homer poem, this name fits your adventurous cat
- OGGY -An ideal name for a lazy cat like the one featured in the animated television series Oggy and the Cockroaches
- OLAF -Name your innocent and loving cat after a fictional character in the cartoon movie Frozen
- OLIVIER -A name of French origin ideal for a peaceful cat
- OMEGA -Consider this name for a cat who always gives you their best
- ONASSIS -Name your cat after the richest man in the world and a ship owner, Aristotle Onassis
- ONYX – This name fits a black cat just like the dusky gemstones
- OPUS -Name your free-spirited cat after Opus the Penguin, a fictional character in 1980s comic strip Bloom Country
- ORBIT -An ideal name for a cat who likes to rotate around objects like an orbit
- ORLY -A name of Hebrew origin, meaning you’re my light for a cat who gives you joy and happiness.
- ORWELL -Name your cat after English novelist popular for his book Animal Farm
- OSIRIS -Name your creepy cat after the Egyptian God of the dead and ruler of the underworld.
- OTHELLO -A brave and confident soldier in William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Othello
- OTIS – The adventurous character in the movie The adventures of Milo &Otis
- OTTO -A name of Germanic origin meaning wealth that fits a fortunate cat
- OXFORD -Name your wise cat after a city in central England popular for holding the prestigious university of Oxford
- OZWALD- Name your classy cat after British fashion designer Ozwald Boateng
Male Cat Names – Letter P

- PABLO -A name of Spanish origin for your little humble cat
- PACINO- This name means peace in Latin
- PADDY – Irish name meaning nobleman , it fits a cat with an admirable character
- PAISLEY -An ideal name for a kind hearted cat
- PALAMINO – if you have a carefree cat in your home call him Palamino
- PANCHO -A name of Spanish origin meaning free man and diminutive of Francisco
- PATCH -An ideal name for a cat who likes fighting
- PATRICK -A name of Latin origin meaning noble fits your cat with a noble character
- PAXTON -Name your lively cat after American actor Bill Paxton who featured in the movie Apollo 13
- PEACE -This name suit a cat who has admirable virtues
- PEDRO -A name of Spanish origin meaning rock fits your strong and loyal cat
- PEEKABOO -An ideal name for a cat who likes to play hide and seek
- PELE -A Unisex Hebrew name meaning miracle child
- PEPPERMINT -An ideal name for a useful cat like the strong aromatic herb peppermint
- PEPSI -Name your cat after Pepsi the non-alcoholic carbonated drink
- PERIWINKLE -An ambitious kitten in the children television series Blue’s Clue
- PESTER -This name suits your cat who interrupts your work repeatedly
- PESTO -An ideal name for a cat with bright green eyes
- PETEY -A diminutive of the name Peter meaning rock perfect name if your cat is strong and solid like a rock
- PICASSO -Name your cat after the famous Spanish painter and sculptor Pablo Picasso
- PIGEON -A name of choice for a loving cat who helps you locate your items
- PINHEAD- An ideal name for a cat with a small head
- PINOCCHIO – Name your cat after a mischievous fictional character in the novel Adventure of Pinocchio
- PIXEL -An ideal name for a cat with small shinny eyes
- PLATO -A Greek name for your cat with broad shoulders
- PLUTO -Name your cat after the Roman god of the underworld who possess wealth
- POLKA -An ideal name for your cat whose coat has spots like polka dots
- POPCORN -Give him this name if you enjoy his company especially when watching movies together
- POPPET -What a lovely name to call your cute little cat
- POSSUM -Name your cat after the famous New Zealand car rally driver champion Possum Bourne
- PRESLEY – Ideal name for a smart and trustworthy kitty
- PRESTO -Consider this name for your cat who moves fast
- PRINCE -A wonderful name for a cat who like to seek attention and likes to live well like a prince
- PSYCHO -An ideal name for a charming cat who always gets on your nerves
- PUDDYTAT -A sweet name derived from novelty song I Tawt I Taw A Puddy Tat
- PUMPKIN -A lovely name to call your adorable and sweet cat with a yellow or orange coat
- PUNCH -Consider this name if he likes to thrush you with his toes
- PURVIS -Name your cat after the famous Canadian ice hockey champion player Al Purvis
- PUSSYCAT- What a spicy name to call your charming and friendly cat
- PYGMALION- Name your cat after the sculptor who feel in love with a beautiful statue of a woman he curved
Male Cat Names – Letter Q

- QUINCY -An ideal name for a witty cat
- QUINN -A name of Spanish origin ideal for your intelligent cat
Male Cat Names – Letter R

- RADAR -An ideal name for a cat who is always alert and detects danger quickly
- RAFFERTY -A name of Irish origin meaning rich and prosperous
- RAGS -An ideal name for a cat who always gives you a hard time
- RAHJAH -A name of Indian origin meaning King, this is the name for your cat who lives a life of royalty
- RAIDER -An ideal name for a cat who confronts and attacks others who are in his territory
- RALPH -A name of Germanic origin ideal for your wise cat
- RAMEESH -A Persian name meaning happiness
- RANDALL -A name of Germanic origin meaning strong defender
- RAOUL -A diminutive of Ralph perfect for your intelligent cat
- RASCAL -Give your mischievous and cheeky cat this name
- RASMUS -A name of Greek origin meaning beloved
- RAYBAN – Name your cat after Italian brand of luxury sunglasses, Ray-Ban created by Bausch and Lomb
- RAYMOND -A name of Germanic origin fitting a cat who protects you
- REBEL -An ideal name for a cat who opposes your instructions and always follows his own mind
- REDNECK -A unique name for your unsophisticated or uncultured cat
- REGENT -An ideal name for your small cat who rules over your house in your absence
- REGGIE -A name of Germanic origin meaning advisor of the sovereign
- RENOIR -Name your talented cat after the French impressionist painter Pierre Auguste Renoir
- REX -A name of Latin origin meaning a mighty advisor and a ruler
- RHETT – This Latin name perfectly fits your cat who obediently listens to your advice
- RICKSHAW -Name your energetic cat after a two wheel carriage
- RIGBY -An arrogant and impatient fictional character in the cartoon Regular show series
- RINGO -Name your perfectionist cat after famous English musician and drummer Ringo Starr
- RIO -Name your cat after the beautiful city in Brazil Rio de Janeiro known as the carnivore heaven
- RIPLEY -Derive his name from The Talented Mr. Ripley, this name fits a young and carefree cat
- ROCCO -A name of Germanic origin fits a peaceful cat who likes to rest
- ROCKERFORD- Name your cat who adapts easily after the Rockerford movie
- ROCKSTAR – An exciting name for your popular cat living a crazy life
- ROCKY -Name your cleaver naughty cat who is always looking for trouble after an American sports drama that starred Sylvester Stallone
- ROLEX -A stylish name derived from the Swiss luxury watch brand recognized all over the world
- ROMULUS -A captivating name for a cat after the founder of Rome
- ROOKIE -An ideal name for a new cat who hasn’t mastered the corners of your house
- ROSCOE -Name your charming cat after a fictional character in Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins
- ROY -A name of French origin meaning King
- RUBEN -Name your cat after the famous American singer and two season idol winner Ruben Studdard
- RUFFIAN -An ideal name for a cat who sometimes acts wild and violent
- RUGGLES -Name your cat after American greatest composer Carl Ruggles famous for Sun Trader orchestra
- RUPERT -A wonderful name for a cat with bright eyes that shine like a flame
- RUSSELL -A name of choice for a short and reddish brown haired cat
- RUSTY -A wonderful name for your old red-brown haired cat
Male Cat Names – Letter S

- SACHIN – A name of Hindu origin meaning pure
- SAHIB -If he make a perfect companion why not give him this name
- SAINT -A religious name that fits your kind and a virtuous cat
- SALAMI -Name your cat after this delicious Italian sausage made of fermented or air dried meat
- SALSA -A type of Latin-American dance music with elements of jazz and rock fits a cat with great dance moves
- SALTY -An ideal name for a bitter cat with a white coat
- SAMBA -Give your lively and playful cat this name from the Brazilian dance of African origin
- SAMBO -A name of choice for a brave black cat derived from the children’s book Little Black Sambo
- SAMMIE -A name of Hebrew origin meaning God heard, a perfect name if he has everything you’ve ever wanted in a cat
- SAMSON -An ideal name for a strong cat with long hair like the Biblical Samson
- SANDMAN -An ideal name for your cat who is an inspiration and your biggest cheerleader
- SANTINI -Name your cat after the disciplined pilot fighter in the movie The Great Santini
- SARGE -A name of French origin meaning commander and fits a cat who has control over your home
- SASHA -A Russian name meaning defender of mankind perfect for a protective cat
- SATAN -A name you would give your evil cat
- SAVANNAH -A suitable name for a cute brown cat just like the breath-taking sights of the plain tropical grasslands
- SCAMPER -Give him this name if you enjoy watching him run around with quick small steps
- SCAMPI -Name your cat after your favorite dish of Norway lobsters
- SCAT -An ideal name for a cat who quickly runs away every time he sees you
- SCHNITZEL -Name your cute cat after this German fried meat dish
- SCHWARTZ -A name of Germanic origin that fits a black cat
- SCHWARTZKOFF -Name your brave black headed cat after the United Stated Army general Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf who lead an army in the Gulf war
- SCORPIO -An ideal name for a passionate cat
- SCOTTY -Name your cat after a smart and humorous fictional character in the star Trek series
- SCRAPPY -An ideal name for a cat with a determined and aggressive spirit who always gets what he wants
- SCRAPS -A perfect name for your cat who likes to eat leftovers
- SCULLY -Name your cat after a doubtful fictional character in the television series X-Files
- SEBASTIAN -A Christian saint who was martyred for his faith, fits an obedient and faithful cat
- SETH -A name of Hebrew origin meaning the anointed one
- SHANDY -Name you cat after your favorite drink of bear mixed with a soft drink like lemonade
- SHAZZAM – This captivating name is from a fictional superhero who used his magical powers to defeat evil in Captain Marvel series
- SHELBY -Name your inspiring cat after Carroll Shelby who designed AC Cobra for Ford Motors
- SHERLOCK -An ideal name for a cat who likes to play detective like the fictional character in Sherlock Holmes film series
- SHILOH -A name of Hebrew origin meaning the peaceful one
- SIEGFRIED -A Germanic name meaning one who has won in the name of peace
- SIGMA- If you love mathematics, why not give your cat this sophisticated name
- SIMBA -A Swahili name for a brave and courageous cat just like a lion
- SIMBAD -Name your cat after a cunning and brave fictional mariner and hero in Sinbad The Sailor Series
- SINATRA – Like the best seller and American singer Francis Albert Sinatra this name is perfect for your talented cat
- SKEETER -Name your cat after a lovable fictional character in Goug animated series
- SKIPPY -This name fits your caring and wise cat just like the educated character in Kids television show Skippy the Bush kangaroo
- SKITTLES -Name him after a brand of fruit flavored candy if he is sweet and adorable
- SLALOM –Name your sporty cat after your favorite skiing game of the same name
- SLINKY -Give him this name if he can’t get enough of his toys
- SMACKERS -An ideal name for a cat with a shiny mouth like the lip smackers
- SMITHERS – Unique name for your obedient and loyal friend like the fictional character in animated sitcom The Simpsons
- SMUDGE -Name your cat after the scruffiest boy in town in the British comic strip
- SNOWDROP -A European plant that bears dropping white flowers, this name fits a white cat who gives you lots of hope and optimism
- SNOWY -An ideal name for a white cat
- SOL -A name of Hebrew origin that fits your peaceful cat who doesn’t like wrangles
- SOOTY -This name perfectly fits your beautiful black cat
- SPARKEY- An ideal name for a lively and charming cat
- SPOT- A classic and cute name that points out your cat markings that are unique among other cats
- SPRINGSTEEN- Name your cat after determined and famous American singer Bruce Springsteen
- SPUNKY- An ideal name for a brave and determined cat
- STANLEY -Derive his name from a shy and overweight boy in the novel Holes
- STARSKY -A fictional character in American television series Starsky&Hutch , the name is perfect for your cat who likes to play detective
- STITCHES -Derive your cat name from the horror comedy film Stitches
- STRAUSS – Name your cat who loves music after the leading German composer Richard Georg Strauss
- SUGAR -A lovely name for your cute and sweet cat
- SWAYZE -Name your sexy cat after American actor Patrick Swayze who featured in romantic film Ghost
- SWEETIE -If you adore him, sweetie will be a perfect name to call him
- SYMPHONY -Derive his named from comic animated series Silly symphony
Male Cat Names – Letter T

- TANGO -This name fits an affectionate who loves to dance
- TARANTINO – A name for a violent cat after the actor Quentin Tarantino, known for his Violent and predictable behavior in the film Pulp Fiction
- TAROT -An ideal name for a cat who can read your mind
- TATTOO -Give your symbolic and creative cat this name
- TAURUS -This second astrological sign fits a stubborn cat
- TAYLOR -Name your charming and cute cat after American actor Taylor Daniel Lautner who featurde in the Twilight Saga film series
- TERMINATOR -Derive his name from American science fiction film, The Terminator
- THELONIUS -Name your talented cat after the famous pianist and composer Thelonius Sphere Monk
- TIMBER – Give your strong and polished brown haired cat this name
- TIMOTHY -A name of Greek origin meaning Gods honor
- TITAN -An ideal name for big cat with incredible strength
- TOBY -A name of Hebrew origin meaning God is good
- TOM -From the cartoon series Tom and Jerry a fitting name for a fun loving grey and white cat who falls into traps
- TOMAHAWK -Derive his name from the handheld axe used as a tool and weapon
- TONKA -A name of Croatian origin meaning worthy of praise
- TONTO -The brave pet cat in the movie Harry and Tonto
- TOOTS -A lovely name to call your cute and darling cat
- TORTIE -An ideal name for a stubborn and hot tempered tortoiseshell cat
- TRAVOLTA – Famous ambitious American actor who featured in the television series Welcome Back
- TRISTAN -A name of French origin for a cat who is always making noise
- TROUBLE -An ideal name for cat who’s difficult to handle
- TROY -A name of Irish origin meaning descendants of foot soldiers
- TUDOR -Of Greek origin meaning gracious gift
- TYLER – Call your timid cat after the shy and sensitive American actor Tyler Perry
Male Cat Names – Letter U

- ULANOVA -Name your beautiful cat after the greatest ballet dancer Galina Ulanova who performed in the Romeo and Juliet play
- ULYSSES -A Greek hero from Homers Odyssey and the name fits a smart and cunning cat
- URIEL -One of the archangel in Hebrew tradition, perfect for your wise cat who is full of wisdom
- URSULA -Consider this German name for your brave cat who is as strong as a bear
Male Cat Names – Letter V

- VALENTINO -A name of Latin origin for a healthy cat who rarely gets sick
- VALIUM -A name of choice for a cat who makes you relax just like the tranquilizing drug with a similar name
- VALMONT -Derive his name from an arrogant and greedy character in the animated series Jackie chan Adventures
- VAN GOGH -The most influential post impressionist painter, Vincent Van Gaugh, this lovely name fits your talented and perfectionist cat
- VANILLA -An ideal name for a cat who adds flavor to your boring life
- VELVET -An ideal name for a cat with a black coat
- VICAR -A name of choice for a cat who likes to visit the church
- VINCENT -A name of Latin origin meaning to conquer
- VIRGIL – A Roman poet who wrote Aeneid during emperor Augustan period
- VLADIMIR -A Russian name for an admirable cat
- VOODOO – For your mysterious cat with a dark side
Male Cat Names – Letter W

- WALLY -A diminutive of Walter, name your cat after the great magician in The Wiggles movie
- WALTER -A name of German origin meaning commander of the army
- WARHOL -Derive his name from famous American artist Andy Warhol who loved cats
- WASHINGTON -Another presidential name for a wise cat who makes great decisions
- WATSON -Dr. Watson, a fictional character in Sherlock Homes Stories fits your loyal and resourceful cat
- WEBSTER -Give your intelligent cat this name after dictionary and learning institutions with the same name
- WESLEY -Name your intelligent cat after Wesley Wyndam Pryce in television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- WHISKERS -Name your annoying and clingy cat after television series Brandy&Mr. Whiskers
- WIDGET -Animated television series name Widget fits an intelligent cat
- WILBERFORCE -Name your courageous cat after William Wilberforce who championed the abolishment of slave trade
- WILCO -An ideal name for an obedient cat who follows your instructions
- WILEY -A name of choice for a crafty cat
- WINSTON -Name your cat after British statesman and military leader, Sir Winston Churchill
- WRIGGLE -Consider this name if he likes to seek your attention by jumping on you
- WYLIE -This name is perfect for a crafty and sly cat
Male Cat Names – Letter X

- XEROX -An ideal name for a cat who copies your every move in the house
Male Cat Names – Letter Y

- YALE -A prestigious university in the world, a fitting name for an exceptionally intelligent cat
- YODA -Powerful and wise Jedi master in Star Wars Universe movies sounds like a captivating name for your cat
- YOYO -An ideal name for a lively and playful cat who likes to jump up and down
- YUKI -A name of Japanese origin meaning happiness, this is exactly what your cat gives you
Male Cat Names – Letter Z

- ZACH -Short form of the name Zechariah meaning God remembers
- ZAPPA -Name your cat after famous American rock musician Frank Zappa
- ZASU -Head of the temple in Japanese Buddhist clergy
- ZEIGLER – Toby Ziegler is a fictional character in television series The West Wing , and the name fits your hot tempered cat
- ZEN -Coined from Buddhism school which emphasizes on experimental wisdom; meditation and mindfulness
- ZEPPELIN -Name your cat after German airship used during the world war I
- ZIGGY -An ideal name for your furry friendly who never gives up
- ZOOT – Name your hilarious cat after the Zoot suit popular in the 1930s for its baggy, tightly cuffed, and high waist trouser and oversized jacket.
- ZORRO -An energetic fictional character in the movie Mask of Zorro
Remember that the name you choose will be for the whole life of your cat and one he will need to remember. Being a cat, he may or may not respond to his name, so choose a name you enjoy repeating.