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Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Välkommen till Collie Chatter, en plats för människor som älskar Rough Collies och Smooth Collies. Vi tar upp olika aspekter av Collie-vård och diskuterar berättelser som lyfter fram de speciella relationerna mellan Collies och deras människor. Jag är Emily Sowulewski, en författare som har haft Collies i över 25 år, och jag kommer att vara din värd. Låten du hörde, "A Dog on A Day", är av Jeff Hyman, och den finns som singel på Amazon eller så kan du köpa hela albumet som heter Old Dogs New Tricks.

I det här första podcastavsnittet har jag ett samtal med Jeff Hyman, som började sin karriär som musiker med The Gaslight Singers folkband på 1960-talet. Även om han alltid är en hundälskare, hade Jeff inte personlig erfarenhet av Collies förrän senare i sitt liv. Nu är han ett hängivet Collie-fan, och hans Rough Collie Cody (som ser ut som om han själv var med i ett hårband på 80-talet!) hjälper honom till och med att sälja musikalbum. Tillsammans diskuterar vi flera ämnen:sång, musikindustrin, skillnaderna mellan jaktraser som Labs kontra vallningsraser som Collies, potträning av en valp, Collie-träning och utgjutning, Collies popularitet, hundtandborstning och munhygienverktyg, Collie-temperament och intelligens, Collies med känsliga magar, Collies som är kräsna och andra unika Collie-egenskaper.


Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Old Dog New Tricks Album

Jeff, jag köpte  dina Old Dogs New Tricks  album, och jag älskar verkligen att du har en bild på Cody på skivomslaget med dig. Jag måste säga att jag gillade att lyssna på alla låtarna där. Jag tänkte att vi kunde prata om hur det albumet kom till, och lite om din musikkarriär.

Jag ser mig själv som eklektisk, eftersom jag gör låtar i olika genrer. När jag gjorde Old Dog New Tricks gjordes det albumet på östkusten innan jag flyttade hit [till Kalifornien]. Jag hade inte för avsikt att göra ett album. "Love, Love, Love," var den första låten jag spelade in med några vänner till mig, och sedan gillade jag hur det lät. Så jag sa:"Ja, jag kanske gör en till." Och innan jag visste ordet av hade jag det – jag tror att det finns tio av dem på det albumet. Så det bara hände.

Det är ett bra sätt att det bara kan hända. Jag menar, det låter som att du har ett tema; det låter som att du planerat allt. Jag antar att det är typ magin – när du bara hamnar i något sådant.

Ja, jag kan inte säga att jag planerade det, för jag kommer inte ihåg sekvensen av låtarna. Men det som hände var att jag bara hittade låtar som jag gillade. Sedan när jag var ungefär tre eller fyra låtar in, slutade jag arbeta med den här tjejen, Beth Bradley. Hon sjunger med mig på många av låtarna på det albumet, särskilt "Somewhere in Time".

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Och hon kände den här killen, Rob Carlson, som var med i ett band – jag har glömt namnet på det – en väldigt, väldigt begåvad singer/songwriter. Så vi började träffas i hans källare varje onsdagskväll. Jag tog med en flaska vin, och han hade denna fantastiska inspelningsuppställning. Jag spelade inte in där, men vi kunde sätta på hörlurarna med mikrofonerna och verkligen bara ha det bra.

Så jag levde för onsdagskvällar. Av dessa sammankomster slutade han med att producera kanske sex av låtarna som finns på det albumet. Och han gjorde bara ett bra jobb. Så jag hade honom, och jag hade en annan tjej som brukade komma – fantastiska sångare. Beth spelar en fantastisk gitarr, och det kom bara ur tillfälliga träffar att vi hade som skapade idéer som förde oss in i studion.

Det låter riktigt kul.

Herregud, jag levde för det! Jag jobbade på den tiden. Så jag skulle komma hem från jobbet runt 06:00 eller 06:30 och bara sluka middagen så snabbt jag bara kunde för att sätta mig i bilen för att åka till Robs hus.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Du vet, jag hade varit slut på musik i decennier. Jag lämnade The Gaslight Singers '64, och jag tror inte att jag rörde min gitarr på typ 30 år. Och jag gifte mig, bildade familj, gick till jobbet och brydde mig inte så mycket om det förrän långt senare.

Och sedan hade du tid och allt kom ihop. Det är ganska snyggt.

Mecka för musik

Så när jag kom hit [till Kalifornien], vilket är fyra år sedan efter att jag gick i pension, visste jag bara att det här var som ett mecka för musik. Och jag fick tidigt några råd om hur man kommer in i musikgemenskapen. Det är vad jag gjorde. Jag gjorde det andra albumet, jag gör radioprogrammet, och det är bara en del av det hela. Jag älskar det, och det betyder verkligen allt för mig.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Ja, det är lite inspirerande. På onsdagskvällar går jag och min partner och umgås med en grupp vänner, pratar om andliga saker och ifrågasätter saker. Jag gillade verkligen din låt "Let the Mystery Be", för det är lite uppfriskande att hitta ett perspektiv på:"Du vet, vi kanske inte vet alla svaren, men det är bra - kommer inte att oroa dig för det."

Men vi pratar bara om livet. Och jag insåg att nästan alla av oss i den gruppen sjöng formellt i olika grupper, så jag fortsätter att säga till alla:"Vi måste ha en karaokekväll. De har ett piano hemma hos min vän. Vi får se vad som händer bara för skojs skull. Jag saknar verkligen att sjunga med folk. När jag lyssnade på ditt album hade det liksom en känsla av närhet med rösterna som smälte samman. Det fick mig bara att inse att jag saknar det här ganska mycket.

Ja, du vet, om du har det i ditt DNA och i din själ, så är det verkligen något du vill släppa ut och du vill uppleva. Alla har inte talangen att göra sådana saker, oavsett om det är att spela ett instrument eller sjunga bra, men det spelar ingen roll. Det enda som betyder något är att de gör det och att de tycker om att göra det. För jag upptäcker att när jag gör musik är jag i en zon som jag bara älskar. Det släpper ut allt som finns därinne, så jag kan förstå varför någon skulle vilja göra det.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Du vet, andra människor ägnar sig åt friidrott. Jag var aldrig atletisk. När vi spelade punch bowl eller stickball – jag växte upp i New York och vi spelade de där spelen – brukade de välja tjejerna före mig.

Jag valdes vanligtvis sist för kickboll när jag växte upp, så jag kan relatera.

Ja, jag hade den här vännen till mig i öster, och han var som en fantastisk basketspelare. Han var så bra att hans jobb i armén var att spela basketspel för soldaterna. Jag sa:"Neil, jag skulle ge vad som helst för att kunna göra en layup som du gör."

Och han tittade på mig och sa:"Ja, jag skulle ge vad som helst för att kunna spela gitarr som du gör." Och däri ligger allt. Det är bara där det är. Gör något , spelar ingen roll vad det är.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Ja, spela efter dina kunskaper och oroa dig inte för vad du inte kan göra, antar jag.

Rätt. Och dina talanger, gudgivna. Om du har det bör du använda det.

Sång är själsrengörande

Ja, jag håller med. Så lite inspirerande, och jag kanske behöver komma tillbaka till det. Det är bara en trevlig känslomässig befrielse. Att sjunga är en slags själsrengörande, eller hur? Om du verkligen känner vad du sjunger.

Det är det. Och om du gör det med andra, det finns ett kamratskap du har. Det jag älskar med att sjunga med andra är att alla delar det exakta ögonblicket vid den exakta tiden. Du måste, om du sjunger i grupp eller om du sjunger bakgrund eller harmonier eller vad som helst, måste du vara i zonen med alla andra. Och så kan du ha tre eller fyra personer som delar ett exakt ögonblick i tiden. Tillsammans. Och var annars gör man det? (Jag menar, om du spelar en lagsport är det ett annat sätt att göra det...)

The Gaslight Singers vid US Naval Academy 1963

Ja, det är bara något med att sjunga i en grupp som verkligen grundar dig i nuet, för du måste vara uppmärksam.

Precis. Eller så blir du utkastad! Om du inte bara gör det för skojs skull – då spelar det ingen roll.

Ja, jag har haft mycket roligt att sjunga med off-key sångare. De var tondöva, men åh vad glädjen! De hade så roligt. I min högskolesånggrupp, när vi spelade in, ställde vi upp våra mikrofoner i en cirkel. När man sjöng i den cirkeln kunde man verkligen höra varandra. Fantastiska minnen.

Tja, förr i tiden och folkmusikens dagar kallade man det hootenannies. Jag pratar om väldigt, väldigt tidigt 60-tal. Kingston Trio var riktigt stor, och alla ville bli folksångare. Så vi åkte ner till Washington Square Park i Greenwich Village, och alla skulle dyka upp med banjos och gitarrer eller vad de nu spelade och precis som kluster tillsammans, spela låtar tillsammans, sjunga låtar tillsammans och sedan flytta till ett annat kluster. Och det var fantastiskt. Du ser det inte längre.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Det låter faktiskt fantastiskt – en friluftssång.

Ja, och det underlättades av genren. Om du håller på med heavy metal är det svårt att göra det. Men folkmusik - det kallas "folkmusik" av en anledning. Du vet, du behövde inte ens ett instrument. Du kan bara dyka upp och sjunga med.

Ja, brast precis ut i a capella. Tja, hej, det var bra att prata om musik med dig, eftersom jag laddade ner albumet som hade en bild på dig och Cody. Vi ska prata om Cody, men jag antar att jag skulle kunna prata om musik länge med dig.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Codys varumärke

Tja, om du får mig igång med Cody... Du borde laga lunch, för jag kan prata om honom hela dagen!

Du vet, jag satte honom på albumet. Det var bara något som kom till mig, det är så det mesta händer med mig. Jag får helt plötsligt en idé. Och jag fick den här tanken på hur coolt det skulle vara – eftersom han är så vacker – hur coolt det skulle vara att sätta honom på omslaget med mig. Och jag tänkte, om inte annat så kommer han att få uppmärksamheten istället för mig, och kanske kommer folk att köpa CD:n.

Det var verkligen en bra marknadsföringsstrategi.

Det var vad det var; det var främst en marknadsföringsstrategi. Så det var vad som hände. När vi fotograferade för albumet kom killen och tog en massa bilder (hade en fantastisk fotograf), och där var han – gamla Cody.

Tja, grejen med honom är att med allt det där håret är han bara så igenkännlig. Jag menar, snacka om att ha ett varumärke. Jag har aldrig sett en annan Collie med ansiktshår som det, luggen (eller vad man nu kallar dem) framför öronen är väldigt, väldigt unika. Så när han dök upp i Collie [Facebook]-grupperna visste du att det var Cody direkt från håret. Med andra hundar finns det så många sobel och vita collier. Du säger:"Vilken är det? Känner jag den personen?” Men med honom undrar man aldrig. Det är som "Åh ja, det är definitivt Cody."

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Ja, det är hans varumärke. Jag får kommentarer om det hela tiden. Jag la precis upp en bild på honom – jag vet inte om du såg den – för ungefär en vecka sedan. Det där håret han har:folk kallar honom Fabio, Rod Stewart... Han har den där looken. När han skakar på huvudet står det upp som Einstein. Och jag kommer upp för trappan häromdagen, och jag runt hörnet, och han bara står där och tittar ner på mig med håret rakt upp i luften. Jag tog bara min telefon, tog bilden och satte upp den i gruppen Rough Collie [Facebook]. I dag har det fått cirka 932 reaktioner och cirka 175 kommentarer.

Det är mycket att hålla på med!

Det är det definitivt. Och jag svarar på varje kommentar, åtminstone med ett hjärta eller något.

För att erkänna att det sågs?

Ja. Han är väldigt populär eftersom - håret. Alla frågar mig alltid om det.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Ja, jag tror att det är den jag såg och kommenterade. Du vet, bara den där galna genienergin. Sedan skickade jag ett meddelande till dig och det ledde liksom till... Du vet, jag har använt en bild på Cody förut. Varför har jag inte använt honom som en utvald bild? (Den som dyker upp när du lägger upp en länk till en artikel.) Och sedan tänkte jag, Tja, hej, om jag ska ge honom en utvald bild, varför ger jag honom inte hans egen berättelse ? Sedan tänkte jag, Ja, Jeff verkar som om han skulle njuta av en konversation . Så du är mitt försökskanin, Jeff. Du är min podcastmarsvin – du och Cody. Vi får se hur det går.

Ja, jag är hedrad. Vill du att jag ska berätta lite om honom och hur vi fick honom?

Jakthundar kontra vallhundar

Ja! Så du hade berättat lite om hur du kom in i Collies med din fru, med den blå merle Ricky, som var ämnad att bli en utställningshund, och det slutade med att du adopterade honom. Så jag antar att börja från början. Jag gillade verkligen det du sa om att ha Labs [Labrador Retrievers], att de är som killen på festen med lampskärmen på huvudet.

Precis, precis. Det är så jag beskriver dem. Jag har haft Labs. Jag har haft många hundar. Egentligen var min första en tysk korthårig pekpinne, som som valp gavs till oss i present när min fru var gravid som i åttonde månaden med vårt första barn. Så det var lite utmanande.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

But I had Labs for most of my life and I loved them. You know, they’re just the friendly guys and gals, and they love you, and they’re happy. Some of them are very exuberant. Some of them are more laid-back. That’s why I use the term that they’re like the guy with the lampshade on his head at the party, because that’s their nature. And I always had them.

Then I met Donna, my current wife, and she came from a family that was a college family.

Her brother, when he was eight years old, was a huge Lassie fan. Everything just revolved around Lassie. One year he went to camp, and while he was away, his parents got him a collie puppy which they named Happy.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Aww, that’s a good name.

And this was everything to Jimmy – everything to him. He was always a huge Collie fan. Then later on in life, he had 4 of them at the same time. That’s what he had when I met Donna. So I go to his house, and there were these 4 Collies. They actually looked a little odd to me because I wasn’t used to the long nose. I didn’t know anything about them. And they went about their business, as Collies will do.

Picasso Filled in the Rest

Then when Donna and I got engaged, Jimmy gave us a Collie as an engagement present and he was the most magnificent blue merle. He was 8 months old when we got him. Like you said, he was supposed to be a show dog, but they changed their mind. I used to say that he was born white, and Picasso filled in the rest. That’s how beautiful he was with his coloring. I would take him out and people would say, “Oh my God, he’s so beautiful!”

And Ricky had a much different personality than Cody. Ricky was very circumspect. My son described him as he was like Joe DiMaggio, Joe D – just smooth as silk, a lot of class, you know? That kind of a thing. He knew how to work a room.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

I noticed when we first got him that we’d call him, when we’d be in the bedroom, and he’d come to the door. He’d look, he’d just take the measure of the room, see what was going on – I could see the wheels turning – then he would decide whether he would come in or not. And that was his personality. He was very sweet, very loving, very protective – but circumspect. You know, a little on the… cool side.

Cody, on the other hand, is totally different. He loves everybody. He can’t wait to interact with everybody:the tail is going, and he’s smiling. I take him to the dog park, and he doesn’t really bother with the dogs. He’s always working the humans for butt rubs and things like that. He’s just got a totally different nature, just the sweetest guy.

So Cody thinks everyone’s there for him. That’s why they came?

Yeah, Cody thinks that everybody loves him as much as we do. And I could see why, because he’s never had any interaction with a human that was unpleasant. They always flock to him.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Frequent Flyer

He flew with us in the cabin three times. We went to Florida one year and back. Then the flight out here to California, and he flew in the cabin with us. He sat on a seat, in between the two of us when we came here,  for six hours and didn’t move a muscle. He just sat. He had water; he had pretzels. If he’s with us, he’s cool. That’s his thing. And everybody made such a fuss over him, as you can imagine. And he loves that. He just loves people – children in particular.

Wow, he’d be a great therapy dog. You could take him anywhere.

He would. You know, I’ve been wanting to get him – I can’t do it now because of Covid – but I’ve been wanting to get him to like, nursing homes with seniors.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other


Oh, they would love him! They would eat him up.

Exactly. Or even hospices. You know, one of the Collies in the group does that. (Only one that I know of.) And Cody brings such joy to people; they light up when they see him. I thought it would be really nice to bring a little light into their lives. So when we’re able to do that, we will.

Yeah, it sounds like he would be ideal, and everyone would say, “Lassie!” Then they would probably ask why Lassie’s hair kept growing.

It Only Took a Week

They say, “Lassie” all the time. When I had Ricky, the merle, one guy looked at him and he said, “Lassie in camouflage.” I thought that was pretty funny.

Yeah, that’s a perfect description of a merle. They’re just so unique looking. So did you have any Collies between Ricky and Cody?

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

No. When Ricky died (he got cancer and he died at 11 years old), we were looking at retirement. So we said to ourselves, “I don’t think it makes sense to get another Collie now, because we’re thinking about retiring and suppose we want to travel? Maybe we shouldn’t.”

It only took a week without a Collie. The house was so dark, spiritually and emotionally without Ricky, because we just loved Ricky with all of our hearts, obviously. And it was like the light went out, and the house was unbearable. And we said, “No, no, we’ve got to get another one!”

But it took a while, because what’s interesting is you never see Collies. I mean, I never see them anywhere. But yet when you go to get one, it’s not that easy. My brother-in-law had a relationship with one of the really good breeders in the area. And after about four weeks, she found a puppy in Pennsylvania, at a breeder that she works with. So Donna and I got in the car on a Saturday, drove to Pennsylvania, and picked up Cody. From the moment he got out of the car at our house, he was just calm and at home – and it was just amazing! I have a video of it on YouTube actually, of the first day, of how we got him.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Oh, you also have a YouTube channel! We’ll have to put that in a link.

I do. I have a couple of them actually.

So what are your YouTube channels?

Well, one is “Jeff Hyman Music,” and the other one is just “Jeff Hyman.” I wish that the content was as easily definable, but I have music on one on the Jeff Hyman channel before I did the Jeff Hyman Music channel, and I think the Cody video – it’s called Cody Comes Home to Stamford” – is on the Jeff Hyman channel. If anybody wants to see it, they could just Google it. I’ve got Ricky videos on there. I did a video of Ricky actually “talking,” and it was about 30 minutes of him telling us what it was like to live with us, what life in the Hyman house was like from his own perspective. “Ricky in His Own Words,” I think that’s what I called it.

Okay, I like that idea. We’ll definitely put links, because I think people will enjoy that for sure. So how old was Cody when you got him?

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Easy Potty Training

Ricky was eight months. Cody was eight weeks, and he was just very easy from the beginning. He wasn’t much of a chewer, but we made sure that he had lots of things to chew on. And he was very calm.

How easy was he to potty train? You were probably answering that next!

Yeah, I was just going to say, we crate trained him. He got the idea pretty quickly. I guess he just maybe needed to figure out how to control it, so I’m going to say maybe three weeks.

That’s actually really good. I mean, some people talk about how easy their Collie puppies were to potty train compared to other breeds. You know, other breeds can take a year or more sometimes. Most people I talked to say that their Collies were potty trained within a few months, definitely under a year. So that is pretty incredible.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Maybe four weeks – no more than that.

I mean, I believe you! Some people have said a week or two. It’s just really remarkable how they can pick it up so quickly sometimes.

Yeah, well, after about three or four weeks, what we did was:there were two entrances to the kitchen, so I got a couple of gates and then we would leave him in the kitchen. So he didn’t have to be in the crate, but he couldn’t get out of the kitchen. The kitchen had a tile floor, so if anything happened…

Oh, that’s perfect!

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Yeah, and he had an occasional accident, but he was young. For the most part, he did pretty well.

But Ricky, on the other hand, pooped on my carpet his whole life. I’m not saying he did it all the time (fortunately, it wasn’t that often), but he did it. I mean, my living room carpet – forget it. We used to call it the old Indian dumping grounds, because he would invariably have a surprise for us every now and then.

Recommended Breeders

Oh, wow… So would you recommend Cody’s breeder to other people?

Unquestionably. Can I say who it is?

Yeah, yeah – that would be great.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Oh, okay. It’s Cando Collies, and the owner, Linda Wooleyhan, is a great breeder. Cody’s mother is one of Linda’s Collies. His father is a Milas Collies:that would be Lynn Butler. She’s got champions all over the world, Lynn does. So Cody came out of Cando, and I would recommend Cando – or Lynn – in a heartbeat. High quality, and they know what they’re doing.

Well, perfect, because we have a breeder directory on Collie Chatter, and we like to list breeders that have been recommended by other people as having good Collies.

That’s a big help. When people are looking for one, that’s an excellent guide to have. Because otherwise, if you don’t know, it’s easy to get involved with a breeder that you shouldn’t be.

Right, yeah. So it’s definitely a word of mouth, trusted source sort of thing. Like, “We’ve had a good experience, and we think you would too.” I think that helps people, when they’re searching.

Oh yeah, definitely.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

The Fantastic Fur

So my next question… When Cody was a puppy, was there any indication that fantastic fur would grow in, or did he look normal?

You mean on his head? No. If you look at the picture on the album cover – now let’s see, how old would he have been? Maybe he was a year old at the time when that picture was taken.

Oh, so he was still a baby!

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Yeah, maybe a little more:it’s possible. But his hair in that picture is spiked, and it wasn’t that long. That’s why it was at a length where it just stood up. It was pretty cute, actually, where it stood up.

But as he got older, it grew and grew and grew until finally it is what it is now. It’s very long and very unique. It’s also very fine. People say to me, “Well, can you style it, you know, put a little gel in it?” I’ve tried to braid it, because I thought that would be cool; but it’s too fine. It won’t hold the braid.

I have one picture… A friend of mine came over and put a rubber band in it down by the base of his head, so that it stood up. And he looked like a Japanese samurai in that picture!

Oh, perfect!

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

But there’s really not much you can do with it, you know. It is what it is.

Well, if you can find that picture and if you want to send in a few more… I’d really like for people to see a sampling of Cody’s hair in different phases, or moods, or static electricity.

Alright. I only have, I don’t know, 3,000 pictures, so I should be able to find…

A few that’ll do?

Yeah, you don’t need all 3,000.

Probably not, but, you know, a good sampling of your favorites or his finest moments.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

A Class by Himself

Have you ever seen another Collie like him, as far as the facial fur, the bangs, or whatever you want to call it? Or is he really in a class by himself?

I think that everybody who knows him or sees him would say he’s in a class by himself. I’ve never seen a Collie with hair like that (at that length in the way it is), although others probably do exist. But there are Collies in the group that have similar hair. One of them that comes to mind is this Collie Izzy who’s owned by Carolyn G. Izzy is a girl, she’s beautiful, and she has hair very similar to Cody’s; but it’s not quite as full or long.

The male Collies always seem to just have a little more majestic flow to their fur in general.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Yeah, and the other thing is that Cody also has an amazingly full coat. Ricky didn’t. Ricky’s coat was was flatter, but Cody is like thick and lush. So the combination of that coat and his hair kind of make him very special. People have to see him to understand, because I’m sure that most people that will be listening have never seen anything like it. I mean, every time I post a picture of him or a video or anything, there’s always, always a lot of comments about his hair – even from people who have commented ten times about his hair already. It’s just something that people notice.

It is incredible. Every time I see a photo, I laugh. Like, “There’s Cody again.” Just his existence brings joy to people who see the photos, I think.

That’s so sweet. You know, people tell me that all the time. He also has an infectious smile. You can see how happy and joyful he is in his pictures, and I think people pick up on that. And when people say to me, “Oh, you made my day; I’m so happy right now.” Or, “I really feel better…” It really, really makes me feel good. It does. I’m happy that they react that way to him.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Worldwide Collie Love

I guess that’s one of the the beauties of the Internet now. In the Rough Collies international Facebook group, you know, 16,500 people all over the world just loving their Collies together… It is pretty amazing.

It is, and that’s only one group! There are other groups. But I’ve been a member of the Collie group since 2009. I was in a pet store one day – I had Ricky then – and this woman comes up to me. She has a Collie, and we get talking, and she tells me about this group. So I said, “Oh, wow, that sounds pretty good. I think I’ll join it.” And I did. I’ve just been an addicted member, I guess, for the last 11 years. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t scroll through and interact with what I call my “Collie family.”

I did, I think about 11 Collie videos that are also available on YouTube. Those videos have pictures (sometimes a little bit of video, but it’s mostly pictures) of Collies in the group from all over the world. Each video has a different theme to it. One video shows a plane flying from point A to point B on a globe, and say it lands in Texas. Then the next thing you’ll see are Collies from Texas, and each picture has the name of the Collie. Then the plane flies to the next state, which is Alabama, and the Alabama pictures play.

International travel video featuring photos of Collies worldwide

So every video has a different theme and a different way of exploring the geography of where these amazing Collies are from. And the music is good, you know, there’s music underneath the video and all of that. I have a section in there which I called “In Memoriam,” and those are the dogs that passed. It’s a lot of work, because I have to extract all of these pictures from Facebook and then organize them. So I haven’t done one in a couple of years:I’m just kind of a little burnt out on them. But they’re there, if anybody is interested in seeing them. There’s about 10 or 11 of them on YouTube.

Yeah, I’ll check it out. The guy who actually designed Collie Chatter – I just write the content, he makes it pretty – can probably relate more to the work that goes into those videos, because he likes to do stuff like that. But we’ll go through and put some links so people can view the archives.

Yeah, I really think that your listeners, being Collie people, would enjoy these because everybody does. I got a great reaction to them. And what could be so bad about 30 minutes of beautiful Collies with some good music?

Yeah, that’s fantastic. It’s just so great to me that Rough Collies in particular (I know, Smooth Collies too), but Rough Collies in particular are so associated with Lassie that people know what they are worldwide. And not every breed has that. So it’s very much a uniting factor.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Collie Popularity

Oh, yeah, there’s no question. What’s interesting to me is the fact that I never see any. The only time I see a Collie is every October. There’s a rescue group here, Southland Collie Rescue, and they run an event at one of the dog parks. You know, everybody comes with Collies. I always go (I take Cody, obviously) and there’s maybe 25 Collies there. And that’s the only time I ever see a Collie.

People always tell me when I meet ’em 0n the street… (Cody is like a magnet:everybody wants to touch him and chat.) And they say to me, “Oh you know, when I was a kid I had a Collie.” And I think to myself, If you had a Collie when you were a kid, how could you possibly not have one now?

Yeah, those of us who are breed addicts… (Uh, ME.) I will always have a Collie. I had ’em when I was a kid, and I can’t imagine not having a Collie now.

Yeah, exactly. So it’s a mystery to me that I just never see them. Back East was the same thing. I never saw a Collie. I could go anywhere, and occasionally maybe I’d see one. Actually when we came out to visit here in California the first time… We didn’t have Cody with us; we were just visiting our kids for a week. We went into Fashion Island, which is a big mall out here. We come out of one of the stores, and lo and behold, right in front of us is this beautiful Collie. We couldn’t believe it. I think it’s the only one I’ve ever seen, outside of the get-together. I don’t get it.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Now I’m in Jacksonville, Florida, so I have met a few Collies at dog parks. It’s a city of about one million people, but I’ve only seen a few. I see lots of other breeds, but Collies are just not that common anymore. I was just looking this up the other day. Collies are ranked 38th in popularity, according to how many get registered with the AKC (the American Kennel Club) every year. When you think about it… There’s *200 breeds, I wanna say, that are recognized by the AKC. So 38th in popularity is actually closer to the top.

Well, I’d like to see the other 37!

I think they’re probably in the show ring prancing around, maybe not as much with the general public. I think the fur kind of puts people off.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Collies and Shedding

I was just going to say, a very common question when I’m out with Cody is people will say to me, “Oh, he’s probably a lot of work, right? Does he shed a lot? Collies shed a lot, right?”

And then I have to explain to them that they have topcoats and undercoats. Cody – and Ricky didn’t either – is not a big shedder. I mean, my Labs used to shed a lot more, because they’ve got short hair and the hairs fall out. They grow to a certain length; they fall out. But with the Collies, it’s always the undercoat where the the big growth is. When you brush them, all of that comes out. But I don’t get a lot of topcoat shedding, do you?

No, I tell people other than the big pre-summer blowout (once a year with my male and twice a year with my female), Collie shedding is not that bad. If you devote 10 to 20 minutes once a week and you keep up on it, it’s very manageable. A Collie friend of mine told me that when she needs to clean up the hair, she just turns on her ceiling fan, all the little fur tumbleweeds blow into the corners, and she collects it that way. I thought, That’s very ingenious .

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

It is. There’s no question.

And you can kind of ball it up between your fingers. It’s not spiky. I know what you mean, because I had Labs growing up, too. Collie fur doesn’t really poke you. It’s soft, so it’s different.

Exactly. We take Cody once a week for a 15 minute brush. It used to be (when PetSmart was doing it pre-Covid) it was $8 for a 15 minute brush. Our backs can’t do it anymore:if we try to brush him, we suffer. So we would take him over to PetSmart. We had a great guy over there, and after 15 minutes he’d come out all puffy and clump-free. Then they stopped doing it because the Covid. Now they’ll do baths and brushes, but they won’t do just brushes. The vet has a groomer, and we take Cody there. He gets his 15 minute brush every Monday. It keeps him good, you know, clump-free for the most part. That’s all it takes. It’s not hard.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Canine Toothbrushing

The other thing I always like to talk about when we talk about our Collies – this is for all dogs – I’m a very big believer and advocate for brushing their teeth. I did a video on what I do with Cody. Now Cody is six years old, and if you look at his teeth, they’re pearly white and there’s no redness at all around his gums.

When we had Ricky, he got to a point where I wasn’t doing that, and I had to have his teeth done (dental cleaning). They have to anesthetize them for that. Donna and I went to the diner [while we were waiting], and we were nervous wrecks. We just swore that was never going to happen again. After that, I started being very vigorous with his teeth brushing.

And I do that with Cody every night after he eats. He gets fed once a day in the evening, then I brush his teeth with a manual brush, then with an electric brush. Then I have this antiseptic gel that I put onto his gums. He doesn’t get anything to eat after that so that his mouth is clean for 24 hours. (Actually, he gets a treat in the morning when I walk him when he comes back.) And that has really worked wonders on his oral health and his mouth. A lot of Collies – any dogs – just like people can have a lot of trouble if they have bad gums. So I always advocate that.

Yeah, and that’s excellent advice, especially with so many Collies having the MdR1 gene concern. So for them to get anesthetized can be… I mean, you were talking about the the anxiety that went with that.

Oh, it’s awful!

For sure, because we know that so many of them do have sensitivities to those drugs. So, yeah, the tooth care is excellent advice, really. And that’s a good idea to do it after the meal. I don’t always do the daily brushing after each meal, and I should.

If you skip a day or two, it’s not the end of the world; but really it needs to be done as frequently as possible. And the timing is key, because if you brush their teeth and then they eat, you know, what’s the point?

It’s always best after the last meal of the day, and then to hold off on treats. Because anything in their mouth [like food particles] is probably better not being in there. I just am maniacal about that. The thought of him having to be anesthetized just – I don’t like that.

Oral Hygiene Tools

Yeah, that’s definitely a nerve-wracking thing. Great advice, thank you. You said it’s some sort of gel… Do you have any particular brand that you recommend?

Yes, it’s called [Virbac] C.E.T. Enzymatic Toothpaste. I use the poultry flavor. Cody likes it. I think they make a beef, then there’s a clear one. The gel is called Oratene Enzymatic Brushless Oral Care. You just put a little on your finger, and you rub it on the upper gums. That’s like an anti-bacterial, so the brushing and the gel does a good job.

I mean, I’m very lucky because my Collies were cooperative. They let me put electric toothbrushes in their mouth. A lot of dogs don’t even let you put a toothbrush in their mouth. And if you can’t get a brush into the mouth, you know, you try to do it a little slowly. They have these finger brushes, which can work pretty effectively. It just slips over your index finger and you can try to do it that way.

Yeah, I’ve noticed one of my Collies seems to prefer the finger brush and one of them prefers more of the traditional dog toothbrush. One of them likes the peanut butter toothpaste. One likes – it’s almost flavorless, I think – like a clear gel toothpaste. So they definitely have their preferences, and it’s taken a bit of work to get them used to that.

Gentle Collie Temperament

I used to be a veterinary technician. My first job when I was 16 was working at a vet clinic. There were some dogs, I mean – good luck getting anything in their mouth without having puncture wounds in your hand. So I’m really grateful that Collies – they might not like it, but they’re not going to put a hole in your fingers either. They’re very tolerant and gentle and just safe .

They are. That’s what makes them so amazing. Their spirit, their gentle nature. I always say they’re humans in a Collie’s body. I really believe that. They have this elegant majesty to them, and that’s the physical beauty. People constantly say to me, “Oh, he’s so beautiful!” I always tell them that he’s more beautiful on the inside. Because Collies have sweet, loving, loyal, gentle natures to them. They’re just the most amazing creatures.

Yeah, the substance matches the outside. I’d say their exterior really reflects their interior. Just beautiful inside and out; you put it really well. And that’s actually something that gets Googled a lot, because we’ve been looking at what questions people are asking Google on a monthly basis.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

About Collies?

Mm-hmm. Collie-specific questions. “What’s the Collie personality type?” “What are the Collie personality quirks?” “What are the Collie personality characteristics?” And it’s just funny to see that getting searched so much.

One of the things that gets asked, like you said – the hair care. “I want a Collie, but I don’t know if I could keep up with the grooming.” I think it reflects what people are thinking. Like, “Oh, I think I could handle the grooming, if I know what their temperament is like.” And to me, it’s absolutely worth it – every minute of tooth brushing or coat brushing – absolutely worth it for the kind of dog that you get.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

He Understands Everything

There’s no question. I always say that Cody has ‘two and help’ (me and Donna), because we exist to take care of him and service him. When we make dinner at night, say I’m in the kitchen or Donna’s in the kitchen making his dinner, he lies just outside of the kitchen and waits for his service. And then he’s served, and that’s it. You know, when we’re not with him, we’re talking about him. It’s Cody 24/7, and anything he needs –

The Cody Show!

Yeah. We trip over ourselves to give it to him, but he deserves it because he’s such a beautiful soul and loves us so much. Anything I ask of him – anything – he does. I take him out – he’s off leash in the park, let’s say. We’re walking around and I say to him, “Cody, this way.” And he just turns around, follows me. And he understands everything.

Isn’t that beautiful? I tell people, their fur is the hardest thing about them, and that to me isn’t even that hard. And I have a profusely-coated male Rough Collie. So sometimes the brushing…

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Is it a sable?

Yeah, he’s a tri-factor – the dark mahogany sable. So maybe once a year in that summer blowout, I think, Why do I have a dog with such thick fur? But that’s once a year, and every other time they’re so easy to me.

There’s no question.

You know, some people say, “Oh, my dog can do 20 tricks.” Yeah, but… Do you have to chase them down the street? Do they come when you call them? Can you let them off leash and have them stay right with you? And to me, that’s what I value more.

Of course!

I don’t care how many tricks [a dog can do] or if they have all their toys named. I love that they’re so responsive, and the bond… I could talk about that all day. I love it.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Some Collies Have Sensitive Stomachs

Well, me too. But you know, there is one other thing about a Collie that I guess is a downside. Du måste vara väldigt försiktig. Their stomachs – Collies have very sensitive stomachs. And I find with Cody, if we – well, how can I put this? I mean, he has his normal dinner, which is kibble, pumpkin, sweet potato, and we’ll give him some fresh salmon.

Oh, he’s spoiled!

He needs an “accelerant” every now and then – because I don’t know about your guys or gals – but frequently he’ll go to his dinner, poke his nose around, and walk away. And he won’t eat it. So we give them what we call accelerants. So we put like some salmon in there, and then he’ll eat it and he’s fine. We don’t ever give him anything else. Not because we think it’s wrong to give him chicken or beef or sausage. I know some people give their Collies fried chicken, believe it or not. If they can tolerate it, that’s great. But Collies have a tendency – if you vary their diets or whatever, they can have diarrhea for days.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, that’s one thing. My female is a farm Collie who came from South Carolina, and she can have just about anything. She’s not quite Lab level when it comes to gut strength, but not much bothers her. And then Gus, you know, he’s from a show line and actually from a breeder. So I don’t know if that makes any difference at all; but I can’t switch his food unless I’m very carefully adjusting the portions as I go. He does great on Purina One or the Purina Pro Plans. We’ve tried several others, but – pardon me for saying this – but it is literally a shit show!

No it is! That’s exactly what it is!

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Not Like Other Dogs

So I have learned not to do that. And I’ve also had to be very careful, even with the chews that I give him. A lot of Collies, they’re just not chewers like other breeds of dogs are.

One of our Labs – we lived out in the country growing up – and she would run into the farmer’s field, yank out an entire stalk of corn, bring it back into our yard, shuck the corn, and eat it cob and all. I mean, she would eat whatever happened to be in the field, because the farmer rotated the fields. She would dig up sugar beets and eat them. You know, we tried to discourage that…

Well, but if she could handle it.

Oh yeah. That dog ate an entire sponge once. We were washing the car, and we made the mistake of setting a sponge down. And whatever cleaner or wax was on that sponge – not a problem, not an issue! I’m glad that Collies don’t eat whatever is laying on the ground. They wouldn’t be able to handle it, if they did.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Cody would. As you know, all dogs – and Collies have this long snout with the nose at the end of it – they always have their nose to the ground when you’re walking with them, and they need to smell everything. Cody has to smell every leaf. And I never know when he’s got his nose down for a period of time, whether something’s down there that he would eat. But he would. I mean, I have seen him find an old chicken bone or something. I was able to catch it. So I always have to keep my eye on him, because if he gets anything that he shouldn’t… Well, you know what that’s all about.

Like a toddler, they’ve got to experience it mouth first.

Exactly. He does it nose first, but you’re right, the toddlers, the kids, they’re all about mouth first.

So the stomach thing is always, I feel, like the sword of Damocles hanging over our head. We never know. (I mean, in my life, if anybody would have told me that I was going to inspect my dog’s poop every day, I would have told them they were crazy. But I do have to pick it up, so I obviously look at it. But I look at it, and if it’s the way it’s supposed to be:then I’m happy. It’s a good day. If it’s not, then I start worrying.

Now, the funny thing about the Labs… I was talking about how Cody could be picky. Back in the day, I would give them (the Labs) a can of wet food. And the way I would do it is:I would open one side of the can and punch a hole in the other side, so that I could hold it upside down over the bowl. Then it would just come out and fall into the bowl. Those dogs would eat half of it before it hit the bowl!

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Collies Can Be Picky Eaters

Cody is like a cat. He goes and he smells. He wants it; he doesn’t want it. I’m not going to have it; maybe I’ll have it now. Nah, I don’t think I’ll have it… And he walks away from it. And frequently I’ll say, “Okay, Cody, have your dinner. I’ll sit with you.” And if I sit with him, he will eat it. So it’s like, he likes the company. Are yours like that?

Well, Sir Gustav was an only dog for a while, and yes, sometimes I would have to practically beg him to eat and mix enticing things in. And for a while I was going to the butcher shop and getting some ground meat to mix in with his food. I’ve heard of some people feeding their Collies by hand. I’ve never had to go quite that far. But when he was an only dog, he would leave his bowl. He got dinner, but he would graze on it throughout the night. And it might take him all night to decide that he was going to finish it off.

Cody will do that.

Yeah. I ended up adopting a rescue mix (half Australian Shepherd, half Great Pyrenees), and Gus cannot leave food in his bowl:because she will eat it. It will become hers. My female Collie, the farm Collie, she’s pretty food-motivated, too. So Gus has learned not to leave it just sitting there, because it won’t be there.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Well, yeah. So maybe that’s an encouragement or an incentive for him to to eat it. Cody doesn’t have that problem. But, you know, Donna gets upset if he doesn’t eat. I just tell her, “Look, you know what? Look at him. Does he look like he’s starving? If he’s hungry, he’ll eat.” And he does. I mean, if he doesn’t eat one night, he’ll probably eat the next.

Yeah. And I’m glad that they don’t tend to get fat like some other breeds that just naturally lean towards thickness. We were regularly having to put our Labs on diets growing up because they like to get chunky.

Yeah they can get heavy.

Yeah, and to me that’s sort of a perk with Collies. You usually don’t have to worry about them getting fat. They kind of self regulate their eating, and that’s fine with me.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Southland Collie Rescue Gathering

So we’ve pretty much naturally stumbled into all the questions that I was going to ask you anyway, which is kind of nice. We have hit an hour, and this is great. I’d rather have more to sort through than not enough. One other thing I did want to circle back to:you mentioned Southland Collie Rescue having a Collie gathering. Where is that exactly? I’ll put a link to that.

Southland Collies has the event at a dog park in Irvine. You could find their website, actually, and it’ll give you information. It’s usually August or October; it may be coming up soon. It gets a pretty good turnout. A lot of the people from the Collie [Facebook] group that live out here come to it. So it’s really nice because we get an opportunity to actually meet each other.

Because we’re all pretty much virtual, most of it. But it’s always good to meet people and see their Collies, and it’s just wonderful. You’re immersed in Collies. How bad can that be?

Yeah, sounds like heaven on earth, actually.

It is.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

Nothing About Collies Strikes a Negative Note

We talked about the Collie personality type. If you were trying to explain Collies to someone who didn’t know anything about them and was maybe considering getting one, is there anything else you would tell them that we didn’t already cover?

No, I always say that they’re humans trapped inside of a Collie body. They’re extremely smart, very loyal. The level of communication that you can have with them, you have to live with them to experience. I just think that, generally speaking, there’s nothing about Collies that strikes a negative note with me. It’s impossible to describe them, because you have to live with them in order to really experience it. Anything anybody tells you may sound good, but you’ve never experienced anything until you’ve actually lived with a Collie. There’s nothing else I could say about it.

It’s kind of hard to describe, isn’t it, to put into words? I did a story on a Collie in training to become a Psychiatric Service Dog. So it’s Stephanie’s first Collie and she said, “You know, I heard about it, but I didn’t quite understand the level of vocal range and vocal ability that a Collie has.” Like you said, you have to live with it.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

To me, the most amazing thing is how they absolutely know what you’re saying and what you mean and what you want. I mean, Cody even knows the pronoun “he.” So if Donna and I say “he” this or “he” that, he knows we’re talking about him. And he’s able to communicate with us. We know what he wants; we know how he’s feeling; we know what’s going on inside his head, just by the way he behaves and looks at us. His eyes tell everything. And it’s actually like having another human that you can talk to that understands your language, understands, you know – everything. I think I’ve had about 11 or 12 dogs in my life, something like that. And I’ve never had anything that comes close to a Collie.

And with that, I’m going to have to leave. My grandkids are coming. They’re three and five; I have to get ready!

Yes, definitely get ready!

I’m going to also send the link to Cody’s Toothbrushing Video, because that’s something I feel very strongly about. I really want people to do that.


Yeah, I’m realizing I need to put more on Collie Chatter for Collie-specific care, because they are such a unique breed in some ways.

Exactly. I had a great time talking with you. I really did. You know, it’s interesting being on this side of everything. When I do my radio show I’m the host, and I’m interviewing somebody else and having that conversation. So this was a lot of fun for me, and I could talk about Collies all day.

Yeah, me too!

Thank you for having me.

Thank you. Have fun with your grandkids, Jeff.

I will, Emily. Thank you so much.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

* Edit and footnote:The AKC currently registers 197 dog breeds, which means they recognize nearly half of the approximately 400 dog breeds recorded with other breed clubs worldwide. There are also 82 purebreeds under consideration for breed registration with the AKC’s Foundation Stock Service (FSS) program.

Jeff Hyman was a member of the popular Gaslight Singers in the 1960s. He now has a solo career, having released solo albums Old Dogs New Tricks in 2017 and Pick Yourself Up in 2019. Both are available for purchase and streaming on Amazon. Currently, Jeff also hosts the international radio program Somewhere in Time,  on which he introduces his listeners to other interesting indie artists and discusses great music of the past. Check out his website and listening options here.

Cody Crazy Hair, A Collie Like No Other

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